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Early Summer Report 2019

Posted by on June 13th, 2019 with Comments Off on Early Summer Report 2019

It’s official, summer is here.  Through May and into the 1st half of June the weather continually tested the waterproof layers of rain coats, the insulation capabilities of puffy coats and many other layers usually associated with ski season.  However, it’s now safe to say that we can comfortably accept that summer has arrived.  Also, there’s some great fishing happening now.  Like on the Missouri, on the Beaverhead and Big Hole, and on the Madison below Ennis lake.  The signs of summer are on the rivers, with PMD’s and caddis in good numbers and soon there will be the stone flies.  Not to mention that all the bright colored birds like Western Tanagers, and yellow warblers buzzing around the banks to help solidify the claim that summer is here.  I love this time of year when everything is so fresh!  Here’s a look at a recent trip on the Missouri where I got to celebrate my brother’s birthday with him and his dog Ted.  Good Times!MattTedMo MattMoRainbow

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