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PMD’s on the Creeks

Posted by on July 6th, 2011 with Comments Off on PMD’s on the Creeks

If Genies in bottles were true and a trout fisherman found one, he would most likely ask for money, love and… to be permanently immersed in a Livingston spring creek during the first week in July.  The spring creeks are notoriously technical, however during the PMD’s they seem to be more forgiving.  Over the 4th holiday we spent one day each on Depuy’s and Armstrong’s getting to know our PMD boxes.  The fishing was stellar.  I highly recommend a day or three fishing the Livingston spring creeks during this time of year.  The PMD’s are reliable and the fish haven’t been educated quite as well yet.  They do learn quickly however.  Here are a few photos from the creeks.  Thanks again to the Walker family and Sweetwater Flyshop for organizing a few guide days on a such great waters.



7X Brownie on Armstrongs


Landed It!

First Fish and on Armstrongs!

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