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Still Fishing It

Posted by on August 21st, 2011 with Comments Off on Still Fishing It

Today is August 20th and we are still fishing the B….der R. in Montana.  It was an awesome day where three flies prevailed.  Those being the Sweetwater McDougal,  the Chubby and the Morish hopper.  One boat for the entire section and a whole lot of fresh hopper eating fish.  The only complaint was from a confused land owner who threw up his hands and yelled at me, “IT’s AUGUST 20th!, COME ON!?” Obviously he has been misinformed by his realtor that his river front property is just that and not river-owning property.  I told him that we all need to share and thought about the lessons Amy and I are teaching our soon to be two year old.  Oh well, our fishing was great and maybe tomorrow we’ll go back and make sure to catch even more fish in his front yard.  No pictures from today but here’s a good one from a previous bo…er day this year…

From the Bo…er River

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