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Stillwater River Brown Trout

Posted by on August 26th, 2011 with Comments Off on Stillwater River Brown Trout

Bill and Jay fishing in Montana

About three weeks ago I had the pleasure to fish with Bill K and Jay C.  These are two of my most favorite guys and we have been able to keep a streak of continuous years of fishing together for about 14 years.  They knew me when I lived in a tent, and when I lived next to the Buffalo Hippies on Hebgen Lake, when I managed Turneffe Flats for a winter, before I was married, now after I have been married, and now with Nadine.  Jay summed it up this year when he got in the backseat of my pickup and said, “Boy have things changed.”  He was looking at the Barbies and the plastic horses in the backseat.  Yep, they have but fortunately some things have stayed the same.  Like having a ton of fun fishing some great out of the way spots, eating the best Spitz of the times, and watching Bill and Jay land, net and release their many fish.  I look forward to these days with Bill and Jay like I would to a birthday.  Special thanks to Jay for reading the Montana Gazetteer on our way to this year’s newest spot, I could use a little lesson on map reading.  Here’s a few shots of the guys in action and of possibly one of the prettiest brown trout I have ever seen…

Golden Brown Trout from the Stillwater River

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