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Flies of the Season

Posted by on September 15th, 2011 with Comments Off on Flies of the Season

The fishing report is pretty much day to day right now.  Solid fishing to be had for sure with some days being better than others and others being – you know what I mean.  Getting out early is really just to do that and not to get into the fish.  The fishing is really picking up in the early afternoons and going into the evenings.  Beatis are starting to show and the fish are definitely starting to notice them.  Hoppers and droppers such as pt’s, and princes are working as well as hoppers and parachute adams or the Sweetwater McDougal.  I love the Sweetwater McDougal for its visibility and due to the shuck instead of a high riding tail.  The fish like them too.  Here is a photo of the flies of the day yesterday…

Chubby and the Sweetwater McDougal about 20 inches behind (4x Trailer)

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