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A Skiff of Snow on Emigrant Peak

Posted by on September 21st, 2011 with Comments Off on A Skiff of Snow on Emigrant Peak

Saturday morning I woke up to a drizzle in Livingston and some chilly temps.  These are the types of fall days where it’s not too bad an idea to put your waders on at home or at least in the fly shop before heading out to the river.  Sure enough once the clouds lifted a skiff of new snow was revealed on the Absaroka range.  With very few other fisherman on the water, Paul B and I enjoyed a fun fishing day and encountered possibly the freshest whitefish of the season.  They (and some nice trout) went for small pink pookies, Sweetwater McDougal’s and parachute Adams.  Here’s a picture of Paul and the Yellowstone River.  Looks like fun, doesn’t it……

Yellowstone River in September

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