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Kids and Fishing

Posted by on October 4th, 2011 with Comments Off on Kids and Fishing

Father and Son Enjoying a Lifelong Sport

“There is something about seeing a kid with a fish in their hand.”  This quote, or close to it, was mentioned to me by a father who had just spent an afternoon floating, fishing and spending precious time with one of his sons.  I was just lucky to be a part of it.  I remember my dad taking me on my first float trip on the Madison River when I was about 12-13 years old.  We had a guide that I’ll never forget, Jerry Cobb.  He had salmon flies crawling all over the inside of his old Ford Bronco and a sticker on the bumper that said, “Rip some Lips.”  I didn’t get the sticker slogan until later in life but can remember standing out in front of Bud Lilly’s Trout Shop looking at Jerry’s old Bronco and his wooden drift boat like it was yesterday.   Today, I got to fill Jerry’s shoes and got to be in the middle of the boat between a father and his son floating the Yellowstone R. together.  Dr. Rich Popwell and I have known each other since I walked into his office last October.  He really helped me out and I was happy to give him and his family a little bit of thanks by taking him and his youngest son fishing.  We had a blast and turned a nine year old into a flyfishing nut in no time.  He even left is ugly stick to sit idly by as his fly rod went- 10 – 2.  Here are a few photos from this great afternoon…

Nice Rainbow Rich!

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