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Season’s Change

Posted by on October 27th, 2011 with Comments Off on Season’s Change

It’s official-winter is looming and summer is fading farther and farther away.  The crowds have left our area and Livingston is settling into a quieter pace.  Fall is a great season and I am pretty sure that the following statement is said every year by most people, “I can’t remember a fall this pretty!”  I think we all just love the season and that every fall is as pretty as the last.  This year was a great one for our family and for me as a guide and teacher.  Here is a photo that makes me think of this season in that a “release” occurs in one’s mind when each season ends and new one begins.  We are letting go of this year’s spring summer and mostly fall at this point.  Thanks for reading and enjoy the release…

We all the love the release

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