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Places Where We Fish!

Posted by on November 18th, 2011 with Comments Off on Places Where We Fish!

My boats are covered in tarps and my fishing stuff is basically sitting idle.  About those tarps-the wind in Livingston is testing my knots that are holding them down.  Son huv a b. There is no need to have to go out at 9:30 pm in a gale of gales and try to tie the tarp down one more time so that it doesn’t flap like a, a,? I cant think of something that can describe the annoyance of all annoyances which is the sound of something that happens just enough to keep you awake but not enough or at the right time to get you out of bed.

Anyway what I want everyone to know is that the “Where We Fish” portion of this website has been getting updated and there are now some complete links (with text and photos) for the Yellowstone River, Boulder River, Stillwater River, Madison River and Missouri River.  I’ll be getting the spring creeks and other private water links completed in the near future.  So check out to see more about some awesome Montana fisheries.  Oh yeah here is a photo to make sure everyone remembers how important fishing is for the soul…

Is That the Universal Sign for "Get Me Another Beer Out of the Cooler?"

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