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Wouldn’t Get Bored

Posted by on January 14th, 2012 with Comments Off on Wouldn’t Get Bored

A few years ago a retired airforce colonel commented to me that he “couldn’t fish everyday” because he would get bored.  He also said that he couldn’t hunt everyday, etc…, and that going to work kept one from getting bored.  He’s a great guy and has a led an exemplary responsible and giving life.  However, I know that I could fish, ski, travel, and do everything else everyday and not get bored.  So, sometimes I think about what I would do if I “won the lottery.”  No Ferraris, Escalades, and shiny jewelry for this guy, no I would go fishing, skiing, and everything else with my friends and family all year long!  Off the top of my head I am thinking trips to Russia’s Ponoi, Mongolia’s Eg-ur, New Zealand’s big browns, B.C.’s Skeena (helicopter to the the upper Babene), maybe some bonefishing in a fancy Bahamian lodge, floats on the Missouri, Boulder, Yellowstone, Stillwater (get those now without a winning lottery ticket – Bonus!), and ski trips to Japan and Europe.  That’s not too much to ask for is it?  Sounds good maybe I’ll walk down to the local grocery store and get a ticket.  Here is a link to a fancy pants place on Russia’s Ponoi, I think I’d pass on the schmoozing and take my vodka in my vest down to the river with 60,000 Atlantic Salmon that eat dries.  Ponoi River = Winning Ticket

I actually have won the lottery!


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