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Being an Opportunist on the Boulder River

Posted by on June 5th, 2013 with Comments Off on Being an Opportunist on the Boulder River

Montana has been getting some much needed rain over the last two weeks.  This blessing from the sky will help our rivers in the months to come and has made for unplanned and unexpected great fishing on our local rivers as of late.  No kidding, fish were eating chubby chernobyl’s today on the Boulder river (it’s June 4th)!  The river is running at about 1400 cfs which is about 500-800 cfs below normal for this time of year.  It’s low right now because it’s been snowing up in the high country and the run-off has been delayed for a moment.  Time for a local fisherman to be an opportunist and get the goods.  Today was good, and since last Tuesday the Yellowstone has also been good.  It likely won’t last long and with a forecasted high of 76 for tomorrow and the next few days the local trout can probably hide again in the brown runoff for a few weeks.  Here’s a photo of a local opportunist communicating with a Boulder rainbow…

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