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Catch and Release Done Right

Posted by on June 17th, 2020 with Comments Off on Catch and Release Done Right

Here’s a photo of a beauty of a brown that is still cruising around being the big dog on the block.  In the interest of getting the fish back to its happy place, after bringing the fish to the net we hurried to get ready for a photo.  That meant getting the camera quickly ready (swipe up on the iPhone to quickly access the camera!), clearing rods from the area, getting hands wet, all while keeping the fish in the water in the rubber net.  To hold the fish, Matt didn’t squeeze it, but rather cradled it out of the water for a brief moment.  That’s it!  No squeezing or death gripping of the fish-it makes them squirm because it hurts-which then makes them hard to hold on to.  We want the fish to live, right?  This was a great fish and it swam away with energy.  That makes us all feel good!  By the way, this brown can be found in the Missouri River somewhere near Craig, Montana…  MattSweetReleaseBrown20

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