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Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Website News Update and Facebook

Website News Update and Facebook

A few new things are happening with River Fly Outfitters.  Well, actually not a lot new is happening but maybe I got your attention with that first sentence!  Anyway, I have a facebook page now and hopefully it will be linked with this site soon.  Admittedly, I was reluctant to

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Season’s Change

Season’s Change

It’s official-winter is looming and summer is fading farther and farther away.  The crowds have left our area and Livingston is settling into a quieter pace.  Fall is a great season and I am pretty sure that the following statement is said every year by most people, “I can’t remember

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When Not Fishing in the Fall

When Not Fishing in the Fall

There are all kinds of things a person can do around Livingston in the fall.  One can obviously get ready for winter by getting their house cleaned up or covering boats with tarps or go hunting.  This year I wont be big game hunting (Dr’s orders and I’m happy to

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What’s Happening These Days

What’s Happening These Days

It’s October 23rd and this afternoon (amongst other things) I rode my bike two blocks to the Yellowstone River, fished (caught a few), and later on carved a pumpkin with my soon to be two year old.  What a day!  The fishing on the Yellowstone has been good on cloudy

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October In Yellowstone Country

October In Yellowstone Country

The fishing reports are getting fewer and farther between and the season is winding down.  In fact my last guide trip of the year may have been last Saturday.  If it was it was a great way to cap off a fine fishing year.  Booked through Sweetwater Flyshop, myself and

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Kids and Fishing

Kids and Fishing

“There is something about seeing a kid with a fish in their hand.”  This quote, or close to it, was mentioned to me by a father who had just spent an afternoon floating, fishing and spending precious time with one of his sons.  I was just lucky to be a

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Fish Poop on the Cooler

Fish Poop on the Cooler

I have seen fish poop in the boat before-it’s nothing new.  However, a fat rainbow took a big d_mp on my cooler the other day and here is what it looked like.  The fisherman in me did a brief (and not too close) observation to see if the feces could

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Scenic Float and 1st Time Flyfishing

Scenic Float and 1st Time Flyfishing

One of the most rewarding things for a fishing guide to be a part of is helping a first time flyfisherman catch their first fish on a fly.  It’s exciting, usually bumbling, and sometimes for the fisherman – surprising.  Well today I had the good fortune to be called by

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Current Yellowstone River Conditions

Current Yellowstone River Conditions

The river continues to be great with indian-summer continuing on.  The chubby, stimmi, Sweetwater McDougal, Bloom’s ant, parachute adams, everything emergers and other smaller dry flies are doing well.  Fishing this time of year is so fun with the crowds gone, beautiful colors along the banks and hungry fish that

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Working Guide

Working Guide

At this time of the year most Montana fishing guides are at the top of their game and are seeing the light at the end of the guide season tunnel.  This is a bitter sweet time of year because often times the fall weather gives a guide a second wind

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