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Archive for the ‘Fishing Reports’ Category

Crowd Pleaser

Crowd Pleaser

Here’s a nice brown that lit up our boat.  A crowd pleaser so to speak.  We were already happy just to be there sharing the day and the time on the water together.  It really couldn’t get much better..

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Montana Glow

Montana Glow

Where to fish?  That’s an easy question to answer right now-everywhere!  Montana is glowing right now as far as rivers and fishing go.  The runoff came hard and is now letting go, hatches are getting more diverse (caddis, pmd’s, stoneflies-golden, salmon) and water temps are bullseye for good fishing.  No

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Catch and Release Done Right

Catch and Release Done Right

Here’s a photo of a beauty of a brown that is still cruising around being the big dog on the block.  In the interest of getting the fish back to its happy place, after bringing the fish to the net we hurried to get ready for a photo.  That meant

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It might Rain

It might Rain

When it rains in Montana it’s not usually a tropical drizzle that feels nice.  It may actually feel like cold hose water that’s made it to your skin and that’s not so great.  I’m a huge fan of good rain coats and am very happy to have one myself!  My

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Steps for PMD Success! PMD=Pale Morning Dun btw

For the Missouri river in early June one of the biggest questions is “what’s the flow?”  Well this year it’s not too big and it’s not too small so that means it’s just about right.  With the PMD’s already starting and the dry fly fishing soon to be awesome, I

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Fish On!  New Season 2020

Fish On! New Season 2020

  We’re fishing here in Montana and the stoke is real for those that can make it.  No doubt this is the most odd start to any guide season that I’ve seen (since 1994).  We’re very lucky to be able to fish and to do so in such a beautiful

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MT Covid 19 Update End of May

MT Covid 19 Update End of May

Today the governor of Montana announced that Montana is ready to move on to phase 2 of the Covid-19 reopening.  He also directed that with the transition from phase 1 to phase 2 will be the removal of the mandatory 14 day quarantine for out of state visitors.  This is

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Montana Covid 19 Update Early May 2020

Montana Covid 19 Update Early May 2020

  The caddis are hatching on all of the usual rivers like the Yellowstone, Madison, Gallatin and a few others I’ve just forgotten the names of (wink wink).  The fishing is good and runoff has eased into spring without too big of a blast with just enough coordination with some

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Going to Pass It Along

Going to Pass It Along

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Rainbow Time

Rainbow Time

Its getting closer to the time when the rainbows get some spring fever!

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