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Family Float Day on the Yellowstone River

Posted by on August 29th, 2011 with Comments Off on Family Float Day on the Yellowstone River

Mmmm, Fried Chicken

The barbeque in the middle of the boat ramp at Carter’s Bridge was a perfect symbol representing the heat we have been enduring here in Montana for the last few days.  A local bar had set up the grill and was selling jello shots, brats and beer to anyone playing in or near the river.  Party!  If I had pulled in

Yellowstone River Produces

to this lot on a guide day I would probably have punted and gone somewhere else but we were there for a family float and were merely amused by the atmosphere.  A quick drop of the  boat into the water and we were on our way.  My dad, Dennis, hooked up a nice Cutthroat on a (guess… Morrish!) in about 3 casts.  A few more nice fish, a fried chicken picnic and we successfully enjoyed a wonderful afternoon.  With the Yellowstone just blocks away from home we were able to enjoy world class fishing and fun in no time.  Here are a few photos…

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