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Frosty Boat Seats

Posted by on September 5th, 2011 with Comments Off on Frosty Boat Seats

Yesterday morning my boat seats were fully frosted over and on Saturday September 3rd, as I put my boat in the water, my feet let me know that fall had officially introduced itself to our area.  No need to get in a hurry on these types of mornings.  Both on Saturday and Sunday the fishing didn’t get going until the afternoon.  Hoppers and the fall m.v.p. parachute adams are the key right now.  Some people are nymphing and sorting through whitefish to get to some nice trout as well.  It’s going to be a great fall!  By the way, after my guide day with the two Ambers I helped the two guys in the picture avoid fishing until 1 am by giving them an adjustment to their shuttle.  They told me there was beer in their car – yeah but it was a cool 95 degrees in the beer case by the time I got to it.  If you see them on the road take a good look and realize that fishing is about having fun and by the looks of it they have that part mastered…

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