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High Water Beauty

Posted by on July 8th, 2011 with Comments Off on High Water Beauty
July 7, 2011
While all the water that fell in Montana earlier this year has created some Water Watch addicts and frustrated fishermen, there has been very positive outcomes for the state’s mountains and prairies.  Also, after too many drought years filled with uncertain water amounts and smokey forest fire skies a little extra doesn’t seem too bad.  That is unless one had their heart set on catching a Yellowstone Cutthroat with a salmon fly or dodging boulders on the Boulder River before the 4th of July rodeo.  We take what we can get and this year we got some water.  So to enjoy it take a look at some summer wildflowers and know that all that tall grass is going to be filled with grasshoppers come August.  Here is a very useful link to follow Montana’s river flows:  A few photos taken of a typical Yellowstone River tributary and its headwaters.  These photos may help to explain why the Yellowstone is still around 30.000 cfs…

Paradise Valley benefitting from lots of water

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