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Montana Flyfishing Summer 2022

Posted by on June 28th, 2022 with Comments Off on Montana Flyfishing Summer 2022

It’s been a damp and cool transition from spring to summer.  I’ve definitely appreciated my rain coat and waders quite a few times this season.  Gore tex is nice!  And while the news may have portrayed Montana as having been ravaged by flooding (which the Yellowstone did do for two crazy days) the fishing is has been happening and coming into shape in the usual places.  The Missouri has had a fantastic June (it couldn’t get much better), the Beaverhead has good flows, the Madison is ready for salmon flies along with the Big Hole.  The Yellowstone will be uncertain for a few more weeks.  The flows are dropping rapidly and now we are just waiting for it to clear.  That’s the same story on the Stillwater.  Fingers crossed it all comes together!  Here are a few shots from the Missouri recently.  Seriously fun fishing for arguably the best collection of trout in our lower 48 states. Good times!



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