Big Brown Town

Big Brown Town

We found this guy in Big Brown Town.  His hood was at the end of a riffle-tail out where the water was veering towards a willow bank. Basically, he was the sweeper of the run.  Likely spot in the “rough” part of the river…

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More Armstrong’s Spring Creek

More Armstrong’s Spring Creek

Armstrong’s Spring Creek is a great place to fish for most of the year.  By getting there early in the am one can expect to put their waders on in peaceful paradise…

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One of the Best Mornings of 2012

One of the Best Mornings of 2012

Here is a photo from Armstrong’s Spring Creek from August 2012.  The morning was exceptionally beautiful and the dry fly fishing complemented the scenery perfectly.  Good times…

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It’s Been a While

It’s Been a While

I know it’s been a while since anything new has hit this page. A lot has been happening around here however-like moving the River Fly headquarters to a place out of town and the beginning of another school year. The guide season has ended and now it’s time to get

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Mister Morrish all cleaned up

Mister Morrish all cleaned up

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River Fly Outfitters Facebook Page

River Fly Outfitters Facebook Page

For those that may not have been informed or “in the -so called- loop,” River Fly Outfitters has a frequently updated Facebook page. Photos and words from the best fishing in Montana on Facebook! A quick link to the Facebook page is on the River Fly Outfitters web home page

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Add Armstrong’s Spring Creek to the list

Add Armstrong’s Spring Creek to the list

In the last month I have been fortunate to guide in a diversity of great Montana spots. Each place has had it’s special characteristics and at each place we have been rewarded with some great fish. Recently, I was at Armstrong’s Spring Creek south of Livingston. With an early am

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Wedding Anniversary

Wedding Anniversary

Today, August 5th, is my wedding anniversary. So after guiding a fun half day, I reloaded the boat and celebrated with my wife and daughter. What is a guy supposed to give on the sixth year? How about some foam hoppers and a grilled dinner on the river. I have

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August Fishing

August Fishing

It’s August in a dry year which means the fishing isn’t a gimme. But with patience and persistence the fish will come. Here’s a shot of a local legend I have had the privilege to work with the last three days. We worked it and in the end our persistence

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Finding Fish in all the Nooks and Crannies

Finding Fish in all the Nooks and Crannies

At this time of year lining up with a crowd is not the way to do it. Finding quiet spots means unaware fish and great river experiences. So with a little creativity and the confidence to tread off the beaten path we can fish the best spots without hundreds of

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To make reservations and book your trip call (406) 223-2624

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