Traveling Angler

Traveling Angler

Recently my brother traveled to an undisclosed place in the Caribbean (capitol name rhymes with banana).  Got it?  Matt’s occupation as a journalist, mostly as a ski journalist for Powder magazine, has taken him to the world’s premier ski destinations.  Alaska, B.C., South America, Japan, Europe, ummm, Bridger Bowl, you

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Making It Official

Making It Official

Out with the old tags in with the new! Hopefully the 2012 tags will get as fish slimed as the 2011 tags! Caddis are around so is the mud. Cold weather forecasted could turn off the “tap” and clean up the rivers.

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Fishing Buddies

Fishing Buddies

I generally love my dogs but when fishing it’s a different story. These two have the same sneak-up sense as Elmer Fudd. Oh well we scared some whitefish with dog muzzles and these screwballs loved every minute of it!

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Fish car

Fish car

This rusty rattle trap is not dead on the road. The holes are filled with spray foam and the gear inside is way more valuable$ than the car. But it gets me there and blends well with brown grass!

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Caught this little guy yesterday and it was 70 degrees. This morning it’s snowing! I love spring

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A Little Bit More Info For You Montana Flyfishing Travelers

After getting a few calls about when and where to fish this upcoming season I realized the “Where to Stay” link on this site was complete with two important words.  Those words were, “Missouri River.”  Well, there you have it.  It would seem that the only information one needs about

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Visor Flies

Visor Flies

More than a few times I’ve been saved by the flies stuck in my vehicle’s visor.  Usually, the collection varies with the season and what’s happening at the moment.  Yet some flies seem to make the cut and remain throughout the year.  So with my non-guide vehicle (the most rusted-Subaru

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Wouldn’t Get Bored

Wouldn’t Get Bored

A few years ago a retired airforce colonel commented to me that he “couldn’t fish everyday” because he would get bored.  He also said that he couldn’t hunt everyday, etc…, and that going to work kept one from getting bored.  He’s a great guy and has a led an exemplary

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Looking Back on 2011 and Forward to 2012

Looking Back on 2011 and Forward to 2012

Red sky’s at night sailors delight.  That may pretty much sum up 2011 and the outlook for 2012.  A great year has come and gone and the upcoming year should be as promising as the last.  Thanks to everyone for loving, laughing and enjoying everything good!  Cheers to everyone for

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Solstice Sunset and Alpenglow in Montana

Solstice Sunset and Alpenglow in Montana

Here is a glimpse at what our local mountains look like during the winter months.  Our current snow fall is really low but that doesn’t mean that things aren’t pretty around here.  This photo was taken after a fun day skiing at Bridger Bowl on this year’s winter solstice (December

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