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The run-off door may have just closed

Posted by on May 10th, 2013 with Comments Off on The run-off door may have just closed

Last week’s fishing on the Yellowstone and Boulder was outstanding.  Today, however is a different story.  Sort of, anyway.  Sort of because no fishing really can be done on the Yellowstone currently due to the annual run-off.  It was late starting but as of right now the only way a fish is going to get a hook in its mouth is if it bumps into one.

Anyway, last Sunday I had an early morning guide trip and after some great fishing with two great guys I spent the rest of the day with my wife and daughter.  What a day!  Here is a photo of my little girl and myself having the time of our lives last Sunday.  The caddis were happening and so were the snacks.

Guide training

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