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Whitey, Whistler, Bugler

Posted by on September 23rd, 2011 with Comments Off on Whitey, Whistler, Bugler

Say Cheese!

Got a “W.F.?”

-Did you mean to say “W.T.F.?” Because if you did, that’s dumb because it’s a fish.

No bro, is it a Bugler?

-Do you speak english?

Is it a Whistler?

-What the hell is a “Whistler?”

Ohhh, man, nice “cousin” you got there (chuckle, chuckle, doritos crumbs flying out of mouth from adjacent Clackacraft covered in really rad retailer stickers)

-Are you trying to say that we just got a whitey? Hell no that was a 20″ brown, asshole.



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