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Women Flyfishers Set it Best!

Posted by on September 22nd, 2011 with Comments Off on Women Flyfishers Set it Best!

“Women flyfishers set it best,” could be a statement that most guides would agree with.  Thanks to Sweetwater Travel Company,, I was hired to guide a great boat of ladies last Sunday on the Yellowstone River.  Our crew spent the day honing some already great skills with the patience typified by women anglers.  It’s true, the gals just listen better.  While we didn’t set any world records we did get plenty of fish on both nymphs and dries and improved on such things as setting the hook, mending and tightening the loop.  Thanks again to Rachel Andras and Dan Vermillion for setting up this day…

International Women's Flyfishers, Yellowstone River and Crazy Mountains

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